Nachbarschaftshilfe durch 3d-druck in einer Pandemie
Wegen der aktuellen Pandemie wurde ich aus Amerika frühe Nachhause geholt. Nun versuche ich unserer Gemeinde mit meinem 3d-Drucker zu helfen.
Terminal Calendar with khal
After struggling with calcurse and caldav I finally got a solution for calendar scheduling in the terminal synchronized with nextcloud
Once forever mutt configuration
I decided to move from mutt to neomutt. With that in mind after a bit of experimenting I wanted to create the ultimate email workflow
Nutcracker Performance
Last weekend we had our Nutcracker performance in Des Moines. After my exciting week in Washington D.C. I finally find time to write about it.
Civic Education week in Washington D.C.
I am now in the plane back to Iowa from The Capitol of the US. We had a lot of activities the past week with our Exchange program.